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Model Teachers at NNPS

Model Teachers:
English as a Second Language

Meet this model teacher team and learn how college, career and citizen-ready skills come alive in their classrooms!

Danielle DeBisschop

Content: ESL
School: Sedgefield & Saunders Elementary Schools
Years Taught: 10

Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
Teachers are lifelong learners. I think it is important to learn from one another, collaborate, and continue to explore effective instruction.

What do you love most about teaching?
What I love most about teaching is the daily interactions I have with my students. They are bright, hardworking, and hilarious. They are the reason I enjoy coming to work every day.

Tracy Skinner

Content: ESL
School: McIntosh Elementary
Years Taught: 23

Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
As a former general educator in grades 1-3 for 17 years, I know how challenging being a classroom teacher can be. Sometimes getting the opportunity to see how someone else utilizes manipulatives, enforces classroom management, or phrases content language can be very helpful. We need teachers to enjoy their jobs and feel accomplished, so, if I can provide support or advice to make their job a little easier, it makes me feel even better! 

Why do you love working in NNPS?
NNPS is the only division in the seven cities, that I am aware of, that provides a Newcomer program for immigrants and refugees. Yes, other school divisions have ESL programs that collaborate and support ELL students, but not a sheltered instructional opportunity to learn English vocabulary where they will feel more comfortable in a general education setting.

Courtney Cornwell

Content: K-5 ESL
School: Knollwood Meadows Elementary
Years Taught: 5

Why are you passionate about supporting fellow teachers?
I am passionate about supporting my fellow teachers because I remember what it was like to be new in a position. Students all learn differently and so do teachers; sometimes the best way to learn is to be able to see how others teachers teach and to be able to talk about lessons and strategies with a peer. I greatly appreciated the help and support of my fellow teachers when I first started and would love to provide that support for others.

What do you love most about teaching?

As an ESL teacher working with grades K-5, one of the most amazing things about my job is working with students that come to America with limited English. Many come to a new country and a new school, and that can be a very difficult time for our young learners. Providing a welcoming and warm environment that fosters learning is such a rewarding undertaking as a teacher. One of the best moments of the year is when students gain the necessary language and confidence to articulate what they have been learning. Continuing to watch those students grow year after year and not only master the language, but also the content is what makes my job truly amazing.