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Testing Requirements & Information

On April 8, 2024, the Governor of Virginia approved House Bill 731, which eliminates the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) as a requirement for initial licensure. This assessment requirement remains in effect through June 30, 2024.

Effective July 1, 2024, individuals will no longer be required to pass the VCLA as a requirement for initial licensure. After June 30, 2024, individuals who have been cited for the VCLA, and who have completed all other initial licensure requirements, may submit a request to update their evaluation and be issued a full, renewable license. Individuals who are employed in a Virginia educational agency should work directly with their employing agency’s human resources or licensure representative in submitting this request.

Test Prep Materials

VCLA & Praxis Test Prep Materials

Explore the following resources while preparing for Praxis tests. The following test prep materials are available for check-out.

  • Biology Praxis Exam Success
  • Praxis 5038 English Language Arts Content Knoledge
  • Praxis 5169 Middle School Mathematics 5169 Exam Prep and Practice Test Questions
  • Praxis English Language Arts Content Knowledge 5038 Study Guide and Practice Test Questions
  • Praxis II - Elementary Education Multible Subjects 5001
  • Praxis II - Middle School Mathematics (5160) Exam Secretes Study Guide
  • Praxis Middle School Mathematics (5169)
  • Praxis - Reading for Virginia Educators: Elementary and Special Education (5306)
  • VCLA - Virginia Communications and Literacy Assessment

To request materials be ponied directly to you, email Kimberly.Hammond@nn.k12.va.us. Include your name, work location, materials requested, and testing date. Return after test.

More Test Prep Materials