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Statutory Requirements

VDOE Renewal Information

VDOE Statutory Requirements

The VDOE requires the completion of the following training for initial licensure:

Statutory Requirements

Save your certificates for each of these.

  1. Child Abuse and Neglect Training
  2. Dyslexia Awareness Training
  3. First Aid/CPR (hands-on)/AED
  4. School Counselors only: Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training. You must complete training in the following domains: Depression, Trauma, Violence, Substance Abuse, and Youth Suicide.
    Please indicate via email the training used for each domain.
  5. Virginia State and Local Civics Module (see required endorsements below)
  6. Behavior Intervention and Support Training
  7. Cultural Competency (required after July 1, 2023)

Emergency First Aid & CPR Videos and Hands-On Training – 5 PD points
Go to mynnps.nn.k12.va.us/safety and complete the following steps:

  • Step 1 - Complete CPR, AED & Airway Obstruction, and First Aid Videos. You must print and save the completion emails and take them to the hands-on training.

  • Step 2 - Contact your school's Health and PE Department to sign up for Hands-on CPR Training.

  • Step 3 - The Health and PE team will enter your PD points in Frontline once all components are complete.

**This option is usually not available after February of each school year. After February, you must arrange training with The Red Cross, The American Heart Association, or a comparable organization**

Child Abuse and Neglect Recognition & Intervention Training

Dyslexia Awareness

Virginia State and Local Civics Module

Early-Middle Education K-8
Elementary Grades 1-7
Elementary Grades K-8
Middle Education Grades 5-8
Middle Education Grades 6-7
Social Studies-Without History

Elementary Grades NK-8
Elementary Grades 4-7
History and Social Sciences
Middle Education Grades 6-8
Middle Education 6-8: History and Social Science

Elementary Grades K-7
Elementary Grades NK-8
Middle Education Grades 4-8

Behavior Intervention and Support Training

Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training (school counselors only)

  • The VDOE Office of Student Services offers a growing library of approved webinar series designed to satisfy § 22.1-298.1 requirements. Each series includes three webinars and a knowledge check and meets one of the five topic areas (depression, trauma, violence, youth suicide, or substance abuse). Individuals are required to complete training in all five of these categories. Participants will receive a certificate and a results summary report upon completing the knowledge check.
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid Training is primarily designed for adults without a mental health degree but who regularly interact with young people, and it meets all five categories. Please visit the Mental Health First Aid webpage to find a training near you.

Mental Health Disorder and Behavioral Distress Training (school counselors only)

Cultural Competency Training (required after July 1, 2023)