Health and Physical Education at NNPS

Health and Physical Education at NNPS

Middle School Intramurals

The philosophy of the Newport News Middle School Intramural Program is to provide students an opportunity to participate in activities "without a win at all cost atmosphere." Students are able to develop or refine skills in a variety of activities. The intramural program adds a new dimension to your child's education by improving self-esteem, stimulating other interests, and providing students the opportunity to achieve individual and team goals. While developing a sense of sportsmanship and fair play, they acquire knowledge and skills required for the future.

The goals of the middle school intramural program are:

  • to have fun
  • to provide an opportunity for students to develop sportsmanship and fair play
  • to provide instruction and reinforce skills learned in the health and physical education program
  • to promote an understanding and insight into the value of physical fitness for a healthy lifestyle
  • to encourage all students to participate
  • to give students an opportunity to have social interaction in a constructive environment

Students play an important role in the administration of the intramural program by selecting teams, assisting in refereeing games, and promoting the program. This enhances student leadership and responsibility. This active role is reinforced through the continuous cooperation and advice from the intramural coordinator.

Intramural coordinators are middle school teachers selected because of their interest and dedication to the middle school philosophy of the intramural program. They stimulate creative and energetic activities that provide an opportunity for participants to broaden their leisure pursuits, thereby increasing the quality of life for today and the future.

All sessions are held after school. Bus transportation is provided for all scheduled events.

Parents are invited and encouraged to come and support their children, school, and the intramural program.