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High School to College Transition

It is important to know the differences between high school and college instructors.

High School Teachers College Instructors
Grade and check completed homework. Assume homework is completed and students are able to perform on a test.
May remind students of incomplete assignments. May not remind students of incomplete assignments. Accept that it is the students' responsibility to check with the instructor to see if requirements are being met.
May know students' needs and approach students when they need assistance. Are usually open and helpful, but expect students to initiate contact when assistance is needed.
May be available before, during, or after class. May require students to attend scheduled office hours.
Have been trained in teaching methods. Have lots content knowledge but not necessarily formal training in teaching methods.
Often provide students with information missed during absence. Expect students to get information from classmates when they miss a class
Present material to help students understand what is in the textbook. May not follow the textbook. Lectures enhance the topic area. (Hint: Students need to connect lectures and textbook.)
Teach knowledge and facts, leading students through the thinking process. Expect students to think independently and connect seemingly unrelated information.
Often take time to remind students of assignment and test dates. Expect students to read, save, and reference the course syllabus. (Hint: Syllabi allow students to know exactly what is expected, when assignments are due, and how they will be graded.)