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Career Pathways at Newport News Public Schools

Science, Technology, Engineering & Math

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers are exciting, challenging and ever-changing. Learners will be involved in planning, managing and providing scientific research as well as professional and technical services including laboratory and testing services, and research and development services.

This career cluster is divided into two pathways:

  • Engineering and Technology
  • Science and Mathematics

Engineering and Technology

For a future in this pathway, students should study and apply principles from advanced mathematics, life sciences, physical science, earth and space science, and technology. In addition, future engineers and technologists should learn certain processes in mathematics, science and technology, as well as important science concepts and processes with an understanding of physics, chemistry and biology as a minimal set.

Sample occupations include:

  • Aeronautical Engineer
  • Architectural Engineer
  • Biotechnology Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Civil Engineer
  • Construction Engineer
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Materials Lab and Supply Technician
  • Quality Technician
  • Drafter
  • Technical Writer

Science and Mathematics

Those who choose careers in this pathway apply essential math and science content and skills in a real world context. Science and math occupations include those in physical, environmental and human endeavors. Career possibilities range from teachers of science and math to lab technicians to NASA astronauts.

Sample occupations include:

  • Biologist
  • Chemist
  • Economist
  • Geneticist
  • Physicist
  • Quality Control Scientist
  • Mathematician
  • Statistician
  • Research Technician
  • Science Teacher
  • Scientific Visualization / Graphics Expert
  • Lab Technician