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Math Resources

Math Standard Classroom Tools

  • Manipulatives (beads, etc.)
  • Abacus
  • Number line
  • Math fact sheet (e.g.multiplication facts)
  • Calculator with print output
  • Instructional software toremediate math deficits
  • Increase size of print throughphotocopying
  • Modified paper (graph paper)

ATRC Interventions

  • Modified paper (bold line, enlarged, raised line, etc.)
  • Talking calculator with speech output
  • Calculator with large print display
  • Calculator with large keypad
  • Computer based on-screen calculator
  • Electronic math worksheet software with adaptive input and output as needed (e.g., MathPad, Access to Math, and Study Works)
  • Adapted measuring devices (e.g., devices with speech output/input, large print display, or tactile output)

Math Resource Materials

Graphing Calculators


Free Math Materials - Graph Paper, Number Lines, Clocks, Timers